Mother’s Day Breakfast – May 11th

Come one and come all!!! to our Our Savior Parish’s Mother’s Day Breakfast! It all begins at 10AM. On Mother’s Day, May 11th (next Sunday). The ALL YOU CAN EAT breakfast promises to be a delicious one so please make sure to invite your immediate family, relatives, friends and neighbors! Donation for adults $12, children $5. All proceeds go for the upkeep of our parish. 🙂

SERCECZNIE ZAPRASZAMY!!! na śniadanie na Dzień Matek, 11-ego maja. Rozpoczyna się o godz. 10:00 na hallu parafialnym. To specjalne śniadanie będzie wprowadzone na zasadzie “jeść i jeść aż do syta!” Zaprószcie cale wasze rodziny, krewnych i znajomych! WSTEP DLA DOROSLYCH – 12.00 dolarów; DLA DZIECI – 5.00 dolarów. Wszystkie dochody pójdą na utrzymanie naszej parafii. 🙂

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Holy Week and Easter Schedule


April 17, 2014, Holy (Maundy) Thursday

Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 7pm
(Commemorates the Institution of the Holy Mass and Holy Priesthood by Jesus)

Procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 9pm

April 18, 2014, Great (Good) Friday

Liturgy of the Passion & Death of our Lord – 3pm
(The Tomb is uncovered after the completion of this Liturgy for adoration)

Singing of Bitter Lamentations (English) – 7pm
Adoration at the Tomb 4 – 9pm

April 19, 2014, Holy Saturday

Adoration at the Tomb 8am – 12 Noon
Gorzkie żale – (Polish) – 12 Noon
Blessing of Easter Foods & Baskets – 12:15pm

Easter Vigil Mass – 7pm
(Blessing Of Fire, Water And Paschal Candle)


April 20, 2014, Solemnity of the Resurrection

Holy Mass & Procession – 9am (English)
Holy Mass – 11am (Polish)

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Ash Wednesday and Lenten “Talk-Soup”

Wednesday, March 5th is Ash Wednesday. Holy Mass with the blessing and distribution of ashes will be celebrated at 9AM and 7PM. Ash Wednesday begins the holy season of Great Lent.

Pastor’s “Talk-Soup” will take place on the Tuesday’s of Lent beginning Tuesday, March 11th. We will begin at 12 Noon in the Church for Midday prayer and then retire to the rectory for a light lunch of soup and rolls. The talk will follow. The subject of the first Pastor’s Talk will be “What is the Church of Christ and how do we become members within it?” All are invited to attend.

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CandleMass Day

CandleMass Day/Matka Boska Gromniczna is next Sunday, February 2nd. All candles to be burned at the altar for the year will be blessed during Holy Mass. Also the Blessing of St. Blaze, (Commemoration Day February 3rd) better known as the Blessing of Throats, will be given immediately following next Sunday‘s Holy Mass.

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Our Savior Parish Christmas Holy Mass Schedule

December 24, 2013

Carol Sing at 11:30 P.M.
Shepherd’s Candlelight Holy Mass at Midnight (Pasterka) with Procession & Blessing of the Manger – 12:00 Midnight

December 25, 2013

Holy Mass of Christmas Day – 9:00 A.M.

Please remember to invite your family and friends to celebrate with us this beautiful Solemnity of The Nativity of Our Lord. All welcome!

Opłatki or Christmas wafers are still available at the entry-way of the church.

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