
Sip and Paint at Our Saviour

On Sunday, February 25th we will once again be hosting a Sip and Paint Event here in the Fellowship Hall at 2:00 PM. For the very reasonable fee of $25.00 you will receive a canvas and the use of brushes, paints and other supplies along with the guidance and instructions that will allow you to create a unique work of art. No previous knowledge or skills are required to do this. You are welcome to bring your own food and drinks and light refreshments will be available for purchase.

Invite your friends and neighbors to what promises to be a fun time for all.  

Please contact :

Katina Ewaskiewicz 609-516-6870 or

Michele Ewaskiewicz 609-516-6862

for complete details. We hope to see everyone there.

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Christian Unity Breakfast


We will hold our annual Christian Unity Breakfast on

Sunday, January 27, 2019 after Mass at 10:00 AM.

Tickets will be as follows:

ADULTS = $10.00

CHILDREN (under 12) = $3.00

It is my fervent hope that all of our parish members will attend and that you will bring your families, friends, neighbors and acquaintances. What better way to celebrate the unity of the Body of Christ than to break bread together.  I hope to see you all there for good food and fellowship.

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The Right Reverend Stanley M. Bilinski Passes to Eternal Life


Once again, It is my sad duty inform you of the passing of one of the clergy of our beloved Polish National Catholic Church.  The Right Reverend Stanley M. Bilinski, Bishop Ordinary of the Western  Diocese,  passed to Life Eternal on Thursday, November 2, 2018.  

Our thoughts and sincerest prayers go out to his family, loved ones and the entire Church.

“Well done, good and faithful servant”  “May you rest in peace.”  “We will greatly miss you.”

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On Sunday, September 9th, we will hold our annual Autumn Welcome Back Breakfast.  It will be at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall.

The suggested donation is:

AULTS – $10:00 and

CHILDREN (Under 12) – $3:00

I hope that everyone will be able to join us for good food, good fun and Christian fellowship as we welcome back everyone from their summer travels and vacations.





SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2018 at 10:00 AM – In the Fellowship Hall

Tickets are as follows:

Adults = $10.00

Children (under 12) – $3.00

Please join us as we honor our fathers, both living and departed. We owe them so much and don’t often take the time to tell them how we truly feel.  What better way to show our love than to attend Holy Mass together and then to break bread together with our brothers and sisters in Christ.   

I hope to see everyone there!


100th Anniversary Breakfast!

On Sunday, October 15, 2017, following a Mass of Thanksgiving and Praise, the Church of Our Saviour will hold a breakfast celebrating the One Hundredth Anniversary of its founding in 1917.  The Mass will be celebrated by The Most Reverend Anthony Mikovsky, Prime Bishop of the Polish National Catholic Church with the Rt. Reverend Bernard Nowicki, Bishop Ordinary of the Central Diocese of the PNCC delivering the homily.  All are invited to join together with us as we give thanks and praise to Almighty God for one hundred years of grace and blessings and as we humbly pray for one hundred more. 

The breakfast will take place in the Fellowship Hall at 2300 Princeton Pike, Lawrenceville, NJ  08648 following the Mass at approximately 10:30 AM.

Tickets will be as follows and we ask you to purchase them in advance if possible to aid in determining how many of you will be joining us on this glorious day:

Adults – $12.00

Children (Under 12) – $3.00

We sincerely hope that everyone will be able to attend and that you will bring your families, friends, neighbors and anyone one else that you can as we enjoy good food, Christian fellowship and God’s gracious blessings.


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In Memoriam – Stella Surma

I am sadden to inform you of the passing to Life Eternal of our sister Stella Surma. She passed late Wednesday evening.  A Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated here, at The Church of Our Saviour, on Monday morning at 10:30 AM with prayers at Winowicz Funeral Home preceding at 10:00 AM. Internment will take place immediately afterwards at the Parish Cemetery.  I hope that as many of you as possible will attend to pay our respects and to pray for the repose of her soul.


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