Did You Know?

A full prayer schedule is taking place in our parish church. It is the schedule for a typical weekday (with the exception that one morning Mass is offered during the week instead of three as on Sunday). It is a schedule, which gravitates around the majority of what is known as the Liturgy of the Hours and comprises the basic prayer schedule of a monk or an everyday priest. If we are to persevere as Catholic Christians and as a church… prayer and lots of it is more than ever necessary. Praise God that many of the universal prayer times of the universal church are being publicly observed at our parish.

The Sunday Liturgy of the Hours schedule is as follows:

  • 7:15 AM – Laudes (Morning Prayer)
  • 12:00 NOON – Sext (Midday Prayer)
  • 6:00 PM – Vespers (Evening Prayer)
  • 8:00PM – Compline (Night Prayer)

All are welcome to join in this rhythm of prayer.


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